Endotherapy treatments
for diseases and insects on trees through authorized products

The care of trees is a very important element, as well as one of the many aspects that fall within the concept of respect for nature and can be compared to the attentions of a mother to her children.

Without a doubt a garden with a nice green leaves visitors a very pleasant memory (for example parks with healthy trees). In addition to the discourse of people’s well-being, attention to the diseases that affect the green is of primary importance for the very life of trees. Some diseases such as cypress cancer or elm graphiosis are lethal for the affected plants.

Endotherapy is performed by Arborjet system, environmentally friendly for small doses distributed; operators as they do not come into contact with the mixture, thanks to the closed system of recirculation of the liquid; of citizens in open areas and children in school areas, through plugs that hermetically close the holes without leaking product; of the tree for immediate closure of small holes, performed without the settlement of insects or bacteria; of the vehicular traffic without any hindrance; of the irrelevant climatic conditions as the product is protected from the leaching of the rain and a single intervention guarantees the duration for a year.
This system proved to be the best among those on the market as diffusion speed along the stem of the plants and was recently carried out by the University of Bologna through a specific experimental research.

Endotherapy treatments are performed to avoid damage to people (e.g. insects that sneak into houses such as the elm bug or the pine processionary with its stinging hairs), to things (soiling of benches, urban furniture or cars in parking lots by the lime scale), or to the plants themselves (defoliation of horse chestnuts by the Meraria or the desiccation of palms due to the red awl or paisandisia).
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